
Hello, all you beautiful Bloggers, and happy New Year to you!  I’m back after a ridiculously busy 13 days off and just wanted to let y’all know I’ve missed you and your unique voices.  I have a lot of catching up to do before I can properly post, but I hope to be back at it very soon.  I love y’all and look forward to catching up soon!

7 thoughts on “Quickie

  1. Happy New Year to you too and I hope your break has gone well which I’m sure it has given the wonderful family you have around you. Welcome back! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, Loty!
      I’m honored and humbled that you chose to nominate me but respectfully decline to accept.

      In 2017, over the course of exactly 1 month, I was nominated for 5 Blogger Awards; Mystery Blogger & Versatile Blogger, both of which I accepted and did the work to earn; and Unique Blogger, Real Neat Blog, & Liebster Award, all of which I started drafts on but never finished. When I realized how much time it was taking me to do the work necessary to accept the awards, I decided it was taking too much time away from actually blogging and accomplishing what I wanted to accomplish with my blog, so I decided going forward I would simply thank Bloggers when they nominate me but politely decline to accept.

      In no way do I intend to demean Blogger Awards or Bloggers who accept them. I recognize their importance in helping Bloggers to get recognition. I feel like I do my share in that regard by routinely engaging with Bloggers via comments, recommending other Bloggers in my own posts or by reblogging, and frequently interacting with the community via various blogs’s writing prompts. Recently, I’ve been helping spread the good word about fellow Bloggers by participating in Blogger Challenges and even starting a few collaborative projects of my own.

      Thank you again, and keep up the great work!

      Take care, be well, and happy Blogging,



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