I’ve Been Published!

Hello friends & fellow Bloggers!  I hope y’all’re doing well on this fine Friday.  The weather here in middle Tennessee is damnear perfect today.  It’s a mild, partly sunny 80 degrees with a sky full of wispy white and fluffy gray clouds being pushed along by a gentle, almost autumnal breeze here in my little corner of the world.  I’m on cloud 9 myself right now.

Over the years, I’ve had a few poems published online and in a couple of college literary journals.  Of course each published piece provides a measure of pride.  I think I’m a better short story writer than poet, though, so the fact that I’ve never succeeded in getting any of my stories published has long been a sore spot for me.  Guess what?  That changes today.  Independent publisher Z Publishing House has graciously included my story “Sick Day” in this year’s Tennessee’s Emerging Writers anthology, and I couldn’t be prouder.  I know in the grand scheme of things it’s not that big a deal, but as a busy and humble husband, father, and probation officer who has very little time for writing, I think it’s pretty damned awesome!


I am not by nature a salesman or a self-promoter, but I am impelled by reflex to do exactly that today.  I’ve read the other works in the anthology, and although there are a few I don’t much care for and one that I’m sure many will find downright offensive, most of the stories collected are really good.  Tennessee’s Emerging Writers is currently available for pre-order.  Both the e-book and paperback formats will be published on 9/20/18.  If you’re interested in purchasing your own copy, please click this link:


May you all have as good a day as I’m having, and may your weekend be wonderful as well!



Via Fandango’s One-Word Challenge for 8/24/18, “reflex

Via Ragtag Community’s RDP #85, “fluffy

60 thoughts on “I’ve Been Published!

  1. Congratulations Denny, I could not be more pleased for you. And, if I was in your shoes I would consider it a big big deal.

    Again well done, and I hope and wish that you find yourself in this same position again. And, who knows, finding that I have somehow developed into an optimist these last few years, maybe one day you will have a book published with just your stories.

    Take care.

    PS – I am still working on my goodreads’ message to you in which I will explain my delay.

    Liked by 4 people

  2. Reblogged this on Ideas.Become.Words and commented:
    So excited today to read that fellow blogger has had his brilliant short story published 💫
    He had a lot of fun with this tale .. and it’s an honour to be able to share his success here 🥂
    I shall have extra custard creams today with my tea – just for you x

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Congratulations, Denny! It’s about time you were published. Your poems are witty and a breath of fresh air. Is the copy only available in the US?

    Liked by 2 people

  4. many bloggers, like me, write as a hobby.
    but to get published would certainly be suh-weeeet!
    i had visited Nashville Tennessee some yrs ago just for a couple of days
    i liked how quiet, and unchaotic it was, compared to Los Angeles, where i had moved to after.
    enjoy ur cloud 9! 🌼🍃

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The experience was rather anticlimactic, but it didn’t stop me from submitting again. The same publisher accepted 2 of my short stories this year!

      Compared to LA, I’m sure Nashville is still a sleepy little burg. But if you haven’t been here in the past 5 years or especially the last 10 years, you would be flabbergasted by the amount of change & growth we’ve endured.

      Liked by 1 person

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