Funny at the Grocery Store

via Daily Prompt: Meander

Word count = 132 / Reading time = Less than 1 minute

Two blogging firsts for me today: 1) Posting on a weekend; and 2) featuring more than 2 or 3 pictures.

It started out innocently enough.  I took my kids grocery shopping with me because I wanted to show off how beautiful, intelligent, precocious, polite, and well-behaved they were.  We meandered up & down the aisles unobtrusively enough until my son’s sharp eye and unique mind happened upon the new Frito Lay Lay’s Potato Chips bags.  My daughter and I immediately recognized the cuteness factor and comedic value and couldn’t help but join in the fun.  Hilarity ensued, and soon enough fellow shoppers were casting sidelong glances and uttering hearty guffaws as they maneuvered their carts around our shenanigans.  Enjoy the picture show below.  Don’t I have the awesomest kids?





Happy Sunday, everyone!


30 thoughts on “Funny at the Grocery Store

  1. LMAO that was delightful!!!!!!!! Way to make grocery shopping entertaining, something it isn’t for most people, adults included. Perhaps if, when they were kids, they were shown this kind of fun and enthusiasm for life, they wouldn’t find it a chore. Love this! Awesome stuff! So glad you shared 🙂 Your kids (and you) have THE best smiles!!!!!!!!! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Denny –
    I clicked my ‘like’ a long time ago but I am leaving a comment now…not sure why…but I had remembered this post and your phunny-photos while also at the store and I saw the same bags of chips. It brought a smile to my face -I wasn’t with anyone, otherwise I would have tried to duplicate your family fun.


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